Bluetooth Beacons
After many years of experimenting, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group passed a set of standards that will enable Bluetooth beacons to mesh together, allowing Bluetooth communications to exceed the normal 30-foot range. This news is especially useful to companies developing IoT lighting, as Bluetooth is one of the least complicated ways to connect a network of smart lights.
Before the invention of Bluetooth beacons, Bluetooth technology was limited to about a 30-foot range. Beyond 30 feet, the signal was unreliable and could be lost. Bluetooth beacons work together in a mesh to allow instructions to be passed from one beacon to another. Instructions are sent from the controller device to the nearest beacon. the beacon then sends the data to another nearby beacon, and that process is repeated until the destination for the instructions is reached. While this doesn't extend the range of Bluetooth, it allows communications signals to chain to their destination.
The Bluetooth mesh is particularly useful for lighting because it offers a wireless solution that can be used to control a very large system. In addition, Bluetooth format in nonproprietary, meaning any company can make use of the technology, and lights from differing companies should function together.
This set of standards is the latest development by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. The technology is still new, as it has not yet been extensively tested. There may be issues with reliability, latency, security, and scalability when this technology is used on a large scale. Regardless of which standards are applicable to your product, let Product Safety Consulting be "Yout Outsourced Compliance Department".