So call us before you get red-tagged. If you contact us during your concept stage we can assure your success with the NRTLs. That when you can use us as red-tag erasers.
Our consulting team has extensive experience in:
- Quality Systems Development/Remediation Training
- Product Verification & Validation Regulatory Compliance
- Risk Management Production and Process Controls
- Risk-Based Planning & Analysis Quality Assurance & Validation
- Design Controls Business Process Re-engineering
- New Product Development Documentation & Change Controls
- Management Controls Project/Program Management
- Complaints, Recalls & MDR’s
The reality is that most people think that getting a product certified by UL, ETL, CSA, or another NRTL is a relatively easy task. After all, product development engineers know how to design safe products – so confirming it with testing should be a smooth process. This is a great theory, but the opportunities for test failures and non-compliances are literally endless, without knowing exactly what engineers who work for major NRTLs are looking for.
Ideally, a product should be submitted as early as possible during its development. Because we know the value added when you build solutions into products up front, we created Design For Safety Approvals – DFSA™. Bring us in at the front-end. Save your company lost time, money and customers by understanding the compliance requirements in detail before products come off the drawing board.